Quick Online Q2C Workflow

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The Q2C (Quote-to-Cash) Process

The Quote-to-Cash (Q2C) process is a crucial part of the sales lifecycle that involves everything from collecting client's quote requests, generating corresponding quotations or advising clients about their request, to receiving payment and boosting revenue. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of each stage of the processes involved in GreensVille's QTC Module.

Q2C Breakdown

  • Client Request Quote
  • Admin Prepares Quotation
  • Client Approves, or Negotiates Price(s)
  • Admin Prepares Invoice
  • Client Places an Order
  • Admin Confirms a Paid Order and Waybills Order to Client

Generating Quotation, Invoice and Waybill?

This module has been designed to work both online and offline. Using the tabs and download links on the left pane.

More info on this coming soon…

Niche in Lifting...


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